
Hello! My name is Laurissa Gill! Ever since I was a child, I’ve enjoyed almost anything and everything creative. I remember as a child growing up in the southwest, I would paint rocks and little paintings to try and sell to the people we knew and those in our neighborhood. As I grew older, and we moved further and further midwest, I moved from hobby to hobby, picking up lots of skills, but nothing that I really stuck with. Until, I picked up the paintbrush again in early 2020. I enjoy trying to capture the brilliant sunsets, or the vastness of a mountain range. My favorite sights are always the ones that remind us of how small we are on this Earth, whether that’s in the majesty of the Grand Canyon, or feeling the power of the ocean waves against a shoreline. I love to try and capture that with paint. I now live in Missouri, with my husband, our two young boys, two cats and our dog. I enjoy traveling, when we can, photography and knitting when I’m not working on paintings. Homeschooling our two children keeps me busy, but I am grateful for a supportive husband who always encourages me in my artistic endeavors.

To keep up to date with my current projects, follow me on Instagram!